Work Committee Mandate

Work 2005-10-05


The work committee is responsible for designing and operating a program to accomplish the community's work and assisting in defining work expectations and needs. Their duties include the work allocation process, assisting in the smooth functioning of the work system, and workday coordination, but they are not responsible for doing individual jobs or supervising them.


1. We are a Standing Committee (we do the ongoing work of the group)

2. We are not empowered. We cannot make decisions without bringing a proposal to the full community.

3. Our Mandate

What did the community ask us to do?
- Design and operate a program to accomplish the community's work and to assist the community in defining and clarifying work expectations and needs.

Our Mission:

What is our global task in service to the community?
- To maximize cooperation and happiness while getting the work done


What are we responsible for?
work allocation process
assist in the smooth functioning of the work system
work day coordination

What aren't we responsible for?
- doing the individual jobs
- job creation and justification (committees do this at present)
- pre-assigning workers to certain jobs (committees do this)
- supervising individual jobs (coordinators, point people, and committees do this)
- we can facilitate problem solving but try to leave problem solving to the committee or individual level except in the last resort (very rare, unless the mistake was ours)

What is expected of committee members?
- participation in committee meetings and work allocation parties
- fulfilling key roles as assigned
- follow up on occasional Monkeys


What projects/proposals are we currently working on?
- prepare work surveys multiple times per year
- work allocation multiple times per year
- ensure productive and efficient Community Work Days
- defining expectations/consequences
- refining Work Agreement
- job creation justification

What are the timelines? see above

4. Define committee roles:

Who is on our committee? Jim Gr., Helen, Adi, AmyH

Who is the convener? AmyH

Who is the minute taker? AmyH

Do you need a money handler/bookkeeper?
- Not now, but maybe if we take on a greater role in community work days

Who is the point person for work tasks?
- Our whole group not a large undertaking at this point

Other roles?
- Two tech roles, one work coordinator/convener role

Is the diversity of the community represented on the committee?
- Unclear what this means.

Are there people who comprise the following traits on your committee:
Initiators, implementers, writing skills, communication/interpersonal skills, linear and gestalt thinkers, information/knowledge/researchers?

- Multiple characteristics are represented by individual members of the group

5. Define committee processes:

How will committee govern itself (facilitation)

- Currently the convener is also the facilitator, prepares agendas, keeps group on schedule.

How will committee make decisions? What is empowerment process?
- Consensus
- Proposals are brought to full community

How do we communicate with the community?
- Minutes go out by e-mail and are posted
- Feedback is requested during community meetings
- Requests are made directly to committees for input on jobs and workers
- GO-Work bulletin board lists jobs by committee and jobs by person, summary of coordinator roles, analysis of work hours in a given time period and by committee
- Individualized work assignment memos are generated
- Cover memo for work survey and reminders to take survey are distributed in cubbies, posted on bulletin board, and posted on CH doors
- E-mail reminders are sent or taped to individual doors

Where does committee get its money (line item, project budget, no budget, fundraising)?
- None at present

Process Comments:

0 standasides.