Great Oak's Vision Work, end of March to end of May 2001

Great Oak Community 2001-05-01


Our vision is to create a sustainable community that is diverse and joyful. We seek to thrive in harmony and dissonance with one another. In this place we value and cultivate our strengths and our differences.


Six statements from the Visioning Weekend with Shari Leach.

1. Our vision is to live in harmony with nature, one another and our neighbors in a continually nurturing and joyous diverse community.

2. Our community is a good place with good people having a good time. We strive for harmony with ourselves, families, each other, the wider world, and the environment. We balance these with practical concerns for safety, affordability, and respect/privacy in an atmosphere of joy (fun and humor.)

3. Creating a safe, joyful, and sustainable community where we belong and thrive - engaging, nurturing and celebrating one another in harmony with our environment.

4. We strive to create a sustainable, joyful, inclusive community with respectful connection with one another, our local community, and our natural environment.

5. Our aim is to live in harmony with one another and with nature, while respecting our strengths and honoring our differences.

6. We envision using sustainability in creating an energizing and innovative place, where we honor our differences and create a joyful interdependence. We serve as a model for recreating this kind of healthy community.

The 3 statements that came out of the next round:

1. Our vision is to be a sustainable, inclusive community living in harmony within ourselves, one another, our neighbors, and the natural environment. We are energized and enriched by our strengths and our differences.

2. Creating a community in harmony with our environment and the wider world, being safe, joyful, sustainable, nurturing, respectful, affordable, diverse, while maintaining privacy, recognizing that inner harmony is the basis for greater harmony (within ourselves, the community and the world).

3. We are committed to a model sustainable life, in harmony with nature, one another and our neighbors in a nurturing and diverse community.

The 2 statements that came out of those 3:

1. Our vision is to be a sustainable, inclusive community living in harmony within ourselves, one another, our neighbors, and the natural environment. We are energized and enriched by our strengths and our differences.

2. We are creating a community based upon the vision of living together in a sustainable, joyful, inclusive, nurturing, affordable, safe, respectful, and diverse community. We will respect privacy, our natural environment and our local community. We are energized by our differences.

AND: The final version we consensed on:
Our vision is to create a sustainable community that is diverse and joyful. We seek to thrive in harmony and dissonance with one another. In this place we value and cultivate our strengths and our differences.

Process Comments:

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